Nate Isaak

Nate Isaak


Deadlift: 500lbs

Squat: 395 lbs

My endurance is gone, so I now rely on my old man strength!


CrossFit Level 1

AED/CPR TCCC certified

About Coach

I’ve always loved sports and staying physically fit. I ran track and played soccer in HS. I went to college on a track scholarship and utterly failed because I lacked the discipline that was necessary to compete at that level. Now I have that discipline and try to stay as physically fit as I can for my physically demanding job.

Turning Point

I had always gone to the gym and just lifted weights. I did a lot of benching and lacked in every other area. I tried CrossFit once with my wife and was instantly hooked. I was sore in places I didn’t even know I could be after my first class. I thought I was strong and in shape, but CrossFit exposed all my areas of weakness. I knew it was bad when I could bench more than I could squat and deadlift lol. CrossFit pushed me to my limits and created a drive in me I didn’t know existed. I loved learning how to Oly lift and learning the technique.

Motivation & Passion

I love helping others grow and gain self-confidence. Coaching provides me with the opportunity to help others and have fun doing it. I love teaching others how to lift and to do it properly, to dispel any myths about CrossFit and stigmas others have about it. My wife got me into coaching and has taught me 99% of what I know about coaching. I’m lucky to have her to guide me in coaching and life. She’s one of only a handful of CrossFit coaches in the state that has her level 3 and I couldn’t be more proud of her for it!

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